Explore the React Native EU 2023 Lineup: What to Expect - Part 1.

Explore the React Native EU 2023 Lineup: What to Expect - Part 1.


React Native EU is an annual conference that brings together developers, industry leaders, and enthusiasts from around the world to share their knowledge, experience, and insights about the popular cross-platform framework, React Native.

React Native EU is the largest React Native conference in Europe, and if you are interested in React Native, this is the one event you don't want to miss. Frequently, developers from Meta unveil new developments at this conference or Chain React in the US. Back in 2019, I took a long flight from Taiwan to Portland just to attend the Chain React conference, and the experience was amazing. At that event, Tzvetan from Meta announced the Hermes engine, which was a game-changer. Tzvetan will also be attending React Native EU this year, and it's exciting to anticipate what Meta will unveil.

Major themes

This year, speakers from large companies such as Meta, Microsoft, PlayStation, Amazon, Shopify, and JPMorgan Chase will share insights on scaling, building systems, and infrastructure around React Native. Since the technology has already been widely adopted in the industry, you can expect to learn more about how things work at scale.


This year, the keynotes will be hosted by Alex and Riccardo from Meta, and Łukasz from Callstack. Details have not been revealed yet, but I predict they might discuss the React Native Developer Experience. You may have heard earlier this year that the Meta team decoupled Flipper from the React Native core. Currently, Expo supports debugging with Chrome DevTools and the Network Inspector. Kudos to Kudo, who bridged the gap by implementing the Chrome DevTools Protocol (CDP). Though information from Meta is uncertain, we could expect more CDP implementation in version 0.74.

Day 1

The day I broke React Native - by Nicola Corti

Nicola will talk about an unexpected issue during the preparation of React Native 0.71's first release candidate led to failing builds for numerous developers, providing valuable lessons on incident response and ecosystem hardening.

Things to learn: How Meta handles incidents and while the previous ecosystem step up might affect the community.

Scaling of the PlayStation App with React Native - by Fernando Ruiz

Fernando will discuss the principles and strategies for scaling the PlayStation App while preserving the quality of the codebase, performance, features, and team collaboration.

Things to learn: If you are a small startup, you can learn how things work at a large company. If you are from a large enterprise, you can compare how the strategies differ from yours.

The Invisible Architect - by Michał Pierzchała

The talk examines how communication influences products and code, as well as how React plays in this context.

Things to learn: As a developer, coding is crucial, but sometimes communication is even more vital. Learn from experts and potentially enhance your soft skills.

Our Journey of Making React Native a Preferred Choice - by Lorenzo Sciandra & Tommy Nguyen

The talk shares Microsoft's journey of making React Native a preferred choice for stakeholders, focusing on ease of integration and developer experience, along with the strategies used and results achieved.

Things to learn: If your team or company is still indecisive about whether to onboard with React Native, now is a good time to learn how to convince your team. If you have already been onboarded with it, learn more from Microsoft about its integration, developer experience, and other strategies.

How Expensify is Building Bridges with Open Source and React Native - by Rory Abraham

The talk explores Expensify's open-source contribution program, focusing on engaging global contributors, maintaining company culture, and empowering people to "Get Shit Done."

Things to learn: If your company is considering open-source initiatives, here's an excellent guide on how another company does it. You can potentially apply some of their strategies to your own.

Adding modularity to your React Native library - by Mathieu Acthernoene

The talk discusses rewriting react-native-permissions in a modular way to bypass tedious iOS app store reviews, the benefits of various approaches, and how to achieve similar results for your library.

Things to learn: If you happen to manage a library, learn the modular approach to incorporating elements into your toolkit.

Build Your Mental Model of React’s Rendering Behavior - by Charlotte Isambert

The talk explores the intricacies of React's rendering system, develops a comprehensive mental model, and teaches how to identify performance issues and troubleshoot tricky bugs by understanding fibers and data-driven schemas.

Things to learn: Gain a deeper understanding of React's rendering process and apply this knowledge to excel in your future bug investigations.

Creating Design Systems in React Native - by Marek Fořt

The talk covers building a new design system in React Native for Shopify apps, discussing the principles used, and how to create a scalable design system that ensures optimal user experience with each component.

Things to learn: If you plan to build your design system, this is the talk you won't want to miss. Learn from those who have built systems at scale, and gain valuable insights for your projects.

React Native, Animations and Reduced Motion - by Eeva-Jonna Panula

Discuss creating inclusive React Native apps by addressing the problems animations may cause for some users and learn how to respect reduced motion settings in React Native apps.

Things to learn: Understand issues animations can cause and how to respect reduced motion settings in React Native apps.

React Native Animations in 2023 and Beyond - by Catalin Miron

Potential introduction to the two new libraries: stagger and marquee.

Things to learn: Learn a few tricks from the React Native animation master and apply them to your next animations.

A peek into React Navigation 7 - by Satyajit Sahoo

In this talk, explore the highlights of React Navigation 7, including the new optional static API, and learn how to test and provide feedback on these features.

Things to learn: If you are utilizing React Navigation in production, seize this opportunity to preview the latest features and be ready to adjust them to your project.


There is an impressive lineup of talks scheduled for Day 1, offering a wealth of knowledge to attendees. We have covered only half of the agenda so far.

In the next post, we'll go through the rest and share some tips for attendees to maximize their experience.

Stay tuned!